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Logo PT Holistic Indonesia Purwakarta
INFO Lowongan Kerja - PT. Holistic Indonesia adalah Induk Perusahaan yang membawahi Rumah Sakit Wisata Holistic indonesia dengan konsep holistic serta bernuansa resort satu-satunya dan terbesar di Indonesia.

Info PT Holistic Indonesia

Your Body Is The Best Doctor
Health is the most expensive wealth that is priceless and the most expected by everyone in this world. Today it is very difficult to find a real healthy man. Today we live in a modern world with sophisticated medical technology and research. This 21st century era where the number of Hospitals and Medical Services are increasing, the more sophisticated drugs are produced, more researches are done, the number of docters also increasing every year. Each year there are approximately 15,000 new docters graduated in Indonesia alone.

Ironically, this so called advance technology in evidence base medicine could not answer and could not improve the quality of the world public health. Our immunity is getting dull (weaker) and epidemic is everywhere. Now every body in the world is sick. We live in a sick modern world.

Husen Ahmad MD, Ph.D., the founder of Indonesian Holistic Tourist Hospital, in 1993 returned to Indonesia after more than 12 years of learning in many countries, with multidisciplines of knowledge in medical science. He start his Holistic Hospital in Purwakarta, West Java - Indonesia.

With his outstanding knowledge and experience in many countries, Husen Ahmad, MD, Ph.D. able to integrate and combine many various of Medicines (Conventional Medicines and Eastern Medicines / Complimentry Medicines) that emphasize to Nutrition Holistic Organic Food Therapy as the main medicine in his hospital. Balancing Body, Mind and Spirit is the goal.

In 1994, he established a Medical Rehabilitation Centre with the concept of tourist Hospital with the name INDONESIAN HOLISTIC TOURIST HOSPITAL (IHTH) on an area of 30 hectares (300,000 m2), located in Purwakarta city, West Java Province - Indonesia.

IHTH is the first and only resort hospital that supported by an exotic beauty of the natural surrounding environments and padi plantation with fresh air from the mountain and greenery, free of pollution, making Indonesian Holistic Tourist Hospital unique and comfortable to everybody.

RESTAURANT KAMPOENG ORGANIC is to facilitate the patient's family and all employees of the Holistic Hospital have food, drinks and a variety of healthy organic menus.

To fulfill the natural medicines of the patient, HOLISTIC BIO MEDICINE factory produce various standard natural medicines (Fitofarmaka), Nutritional Medicines, Homoeophatic Medicines, etc.

Synthetic chemical drugs are only given to certain diseases and only for emergency cases.

Saat ini kami PT. Holistic Indonesia membuka Lowongan Kerja Untuk Lulusan D3 sederajat posisi Asisten Apoteker denagan persyaratan sebagai berikut :

Loker Lulusan D3 Farmasi di PT Holistic Indonesia

Posisi :
Asisten Apoteker

Gambaran Pekerjaan :
  1. Melakukan PIO Kepada Pasien
  2. Menyiapkan / meracik obat
  3. Melakukan stock opname seluruh obat-obatan setiap hari
  4. Membuat laporan harian / bulanan
  5. Aktif berperan menjaga kebersihan dan kerapihan area Instalasi Farmasi

Persyaratan :
  1. Pria atau wanita
  2. Usia tidak dibatasi
  3. Pendidikan min. D3 Farmasi
  4. Memiliki STRTTK yang masih berlaku / surat keterangan STRTTK dalam proses
  5. Berpengalaman minimal 1 tahun pada RS / Apotek
  6. Disediakan Asrama
  7. Siap bekerja Shift
  8. Diutamakan berdomisili Purwakarta, Karawang, Subang, Bandung

Tata Cara Melamar :
Bagi yang berminat dengan Lowongan Kerja di Pabrik Purwakarta PT. Holistic Indonesia, serta memenuhi persyaratan yang di butuhkan,segera kirim cv lamaran anda melalui pendaftaran via POS ke alamat di bawah ini :

Kantor Pusat PT. Holistic Indonesia
Alamat: Kampung Babakan Caringin, RT 008 RW 09,
Tegalmunjul, Kec. Purwakarta, Kabupaten Purwakarta,
Jawa Barat 41172, Indonesia

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